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Become a member

You’ll be a healthier, more relaxed, less stressed, and better performing version of yourself.

Membership at Zero Gravity

Our memberships offer the largest discounts possible for those who want to float on a regular basis. There is no commitment and you can share your membership with as many people as your like!

The more often you float, the better your results. There are many reasons to float, but floating regularly is the best way of getting even more of the results you want. You’ll be a healthier, more relaxed, less stressed, and better performing version of yourself.

No minimum commitment, all memberships can be shared between family and friends and unlimited additional floats can be purchased at the membership rate!

Silver membership

£60.00 inc. VAT / month

2 Floats Per Month

£30 per float

Our entry level membership, the Silver membership is perfect for someone that just wants to float a couple
of times a month, or maybe a couple that want to
book in once a month.



Gold membership

£100.00 inc. VAT / month

4 Floats Per Month

£25 per float

Our most popular membership, the Gold membership works well for someone that wants to float weekly (without the initial cost of a yearly package), or for people looking to share a membership between family/friends/colleagues.



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